Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Preppy Power

Boy 1: Our band has the coolest album cover.

Girl 1: This isn't an album cover and we are not a band.

Boy 1: Very funny.

Boy 2: It's true. We're trapped in an ad.

Boy 1: An ad for what? Did Skittles start a clothing line?

Girl 2: How long will we be like this? Evil Eddie is still out there, wreaking havoc on our precious city. 

Boy 2: It's possible we'll be frozen in these ridiculous 'N Sync poses forever.

Girl 1: Of course we will. And why? Because I have a date tonight.

Girl 2: You do? What's her name?

Girl 1: It's a guy. I keep telling you, I'm not a dude.

Girl 2: O. KAY.

Boy 1: If we're going to be stuck here forever, can we at least try to be a band? We have really good album art.

Boy 2: We're superheros, not rock stars. Please focus, or everyone we love may be wiped out by Evil Eddie and his pack of thugs.

Boy 1: I'm pretty sure those things flying around us are Skittles. Who wants to taste the rainbow?

Down the Hatch

Model Left: Explain how this works again.

Model Right: If you stand while you eat, the food flows faster, making it harder for the calories to stick to your sides.

Model Left: Oooh, shabang, that is awesome. 

Model Right: Right? And if I stand higher than you while feeding you, it's practically an ice luge, but instead of a cocktail flying down the hatch, it's red velvet cake. 

Model Left: Genius!

Model Right: I know. I told you GEDs are overrated.

Model Left: Can you get any higher? I think my side just caught a calorie.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Here Kitty Kitty

Oh please, like they're not declawed. 

They are, right?

Dance of Joy

Dead, dead, dead ... and there's no evidence!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Shoe Box

Model: You're looking up my dress.

Artist: I assure you, I am not.

Model: I clearly saw you glancing in the direction of my nether region when you're supposed to be focusing on my shoes.

Artist: Do you not see me hard at work on my sketch?

Model: Indeed, and based on my shaving practices of late, that's a pretty accurate depiction.

Artist: Yeah, what's up with that? Not your best look.

Model: A-hah!

Artist: That doesn't answer my question.

Model: Shut it, mustachio.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Yo Ho Ho and a Jacket of Booty

















Arrgh. If only me jewelry box were a wee bigger, I wouldn't have to carry around me entire earring collection.